You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

6 Dec 2008

Financial Crisis ?!

Times are challenging and it is easy to become immobilized by fear.

Rather than focusing on the existing financial crisis, how do you pull some empowering meaning out of current events and find the serenity and strength you need to deal with what’s going on in today’s world?

See what the wise ones have to say on this subject.

Tony Robbins On How To Deal With Stress In Economic Crisis

Tony Robbins : The Power of Crisis (in all areas of life)

Abraham On The World Financial Crisis - Esther & Jerry Hicks

Watch the movie "The Secret"

Follow the SGR (Science of Getting Rich) free online course from the authors of The Secret

Follow the free online course: The Masters of the Secret


Follow the Five Simple Steps for Thriving through a Recession, Jack Canfield Style

1. Get back to basics

Recessions are good for all things that begin with "re." Re-group, re-organize, re-view. Revisit the fundamentals that have already made your business a success. Revise your mission statement to stand for what your business is really all about. Reject rejection. Practice Jack's "Rule of Five": Every day, do five things that will move you toward your goal.

2. Clean up your act

Recessions are a great time, Jack advises, to clean up your messes. Now, when sales are slow, finish anything that is incomplete. De-clutter your office and organize your files. Make phone calls to bridge any disconnects that may have occurred between you and your customers. Magnify your success energy by focusing on what you want to happen, not what you are experiencing.

3. Focus on your connections and relationships

Recessions are the perfect time to forge new connections and strengthen long-standing relationships. Practice uncommon appreciation. Review your agreements with clients and confirm your commitment to them. Speak first and with integrity. Be impeccable in your communication. Meet for breakfast instead of over the phone. Supplement emails with handwritten cards and notes.

4. Be smart with your money

Recessions are the natural time for small business owners to review their financials. Take a look at your cash flow. Collect on any outstanding accounts. Don't fall into lackful thinking by clutching and holding onto your money. Spend wisely. Make sure your bills are paid. Above all else, give more. Keep your energy flowing by finding a way to serve others.

5. Step back

Recessions are the ideal time to practice stepping back in order to keep things in perspective. Instead of energetically aligning with all the fears, doubts, and anxieties associated with a recession, step back and move to higher ground. Don't get caught up in others' panic. Soar above it all to a place where clarity can be gained and perspective maintained. While you're at it, take others with you. As Jack says, "When you lift up others, they will lift up you."No one likes feeling uncertain about the future. Yet nothing is ever certain, whether or not we're in a recession! By taking decisive action now, you can positively influence your future. When this recession ends, don't let your company be one that just managed to survive. Practice Jack's Rule of Five and thrive.




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