You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

7 Jan 2008

The Source of Our Strength

What is it that will inspire any of us to find the courage and the heart to take our own lives deadly seriously, to get to that point where we are ready to embrace the overwhelming urgency of the call of the future?
It's very difficult to get human beings to feel as passionate about the imperative to evolve as they would feel if their life was being threatened. But the whole point of evolutionary enlightenment is to evolve to a level of consciousness and conscience where we care that much. And if we want to create a truly enlightened future, the source of our strength has to be the highest.
The experiential recognition of what's possible—the glory of it, the significance of it, the sense of meaning and purpose—should be what's compelling us. Only there will we find the conviction and passion to catalyze the kind of transformation that is so desperately needed.

Andrew Cohen




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