You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

17 Jan 2009

Identifying Your Illusionary Ego

To help you identify your illusionary ego, here are a few common ego game identities that people play with. Each of these ego identities holds a belief about itself and copes with the world by embodying this way of being.

Mr. Defensive:
"I want nobody to like me. If I am unlovable, I can never be hurt again."
Mr. Enlightened:
"I am above it all and don't have any problems or places where I need to grow in my life. Everybody else has problems."
Mr. Nice Guy:
"I want everybody to like me. I am a really a great and loving person."
Miss. Perfect:
"Everything must be perfect in my world. If things are not in order something terrible will happen."
Miss. Lone Ranger:
"I don't need anybody to help me. I am so strong and independent."
Miss SuperGirl:
"I must be successful at all costs. If I am not successful, I am nothing."

One of the most important things that you can do is figure out the ego game that is running your life. The first clue to look at how you tend to act, behave and respond to others generally, specifically when you are feeling uncomfortable. Most people revert back to one way of operating and repeat it over and over their entire life. This game runs every aspect of their lives from their personal life to their financial life. For instance, if your ego plays the Superman or SuperGirl game, your whole life may be about accomplishment to such an extent that you only think of things as how will this help you be more successful. You may ignore your relationships in favor of professional success, or even use relationships to help you create more success. The point is that you build your life around whatever game your ego wants to play and this may stop you from having the kind of life you truly love.

The biggest game of all however is believing that your ego is real. It's about as real as a mirage in the desert.

You walk up to a mirage and think there is an oasis of water there, yet when you reach into it you only pull up a handful of sand. When we hold onto this illusion that the ego exists, we remain trapped in the cyclical wheel of suffering forever. The truth is that the game you are playing will eventually blow up like a balloon and explode! This way may be painful, yet you will one day see how the ego never truly satisfies. Only finding your true authentic self will satisfy you, and truly abolish the illusionary ego from its grip on you forever.

It is difficult to manifest what you truly desire when your ego is in the way. It causes an energetic block to the feelings and thoughts that allow your dreams to manifest. Uncovering your ego game will make you into a manifesting magician! It will set you soooo free so that you stay focused in the direction of your dreams and naturally attract whatever you desire.

Remember that behind this ego masquerade is what you have been searching for, the infinite loving essence that loves every part of who you are. So let's strip off that ego mask today, and discover the truth of who you really are. You deserve to live from the most enlightened place of all, where you know yourself as the Divine Authentic Self.

Courtesy of


Anonymous,  20 Jan 2009, 01:50:00  

this is a fantastic post!

areveda 20 Jan 2009, 07:13:00  

thanks a lot dear!
I simply copied it from another site, and indeed fiund it very inspiring.


*** 20 Jan 2009, 07:21:00  

Blessings my friend,

Very true words...

Ego is often described as being 'illusion'. However, to the the unwakened - it is very real.

From this state of consciousness the individual perceives reality as what is seen and felt. Ego attachments are wired to emotions which create pain or pleasure sensors that feel very real.

We have these experiences after awakening, but prior to enlightenment, because we have not fully detached from ego - so ego still feels real.

The unawakened 'understand' the word illusion to mean 'figment of the imagination.' Whereas the awakened 'perceive' the intangible - essence of God to be real and materiality to be illusion. -ss

areveda 20 Jan 2009, 07:55:00  

And yet, if God/Universe is ALL THAT IS, then Ego IS real, like any other manifestation of Life ...

It is simply the dark side of light, like matter needs black holes as a counterpart.

What we call illusion in our here and now dimension is the "fake" scenario that we play to learn from and grow our souls for a given while.

Truth has many walks and yet is One.

To me, as nasty and repulsive as can be described, Egos are nothing but the wounded child fragments within us. The accumulation of pain and resistance to what IS, end up in creating "illusory" sub-selves and therefore drive us apart from our True Self.
We then interract in the physical and imaginary world with a distorted perspective and therefore create what we call an illusionary reality. And yet, it fully exists, like All That Is.

I have come to a point where I thank my Egos for showing me the way on what remains to be learnt.

How would one treat a crying child?
With Love ...

In that senses, Egos are the post signs to Love and all is perfect in ALL worlds :-)

With my Love, my friend



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