You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

15 Jan 2009

Leap! The Movie

Leap! The Movie

Leap! is a new film that explores the ageless idea that the world is an illusion.
This idea may challenge your current beliefs and ideals, but then again Einstein did say “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Featuring (among others) Peter Russell, Dan Millman, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf, James Twyman, Max Simon, and Puppetji, this film asks, Is the world literally an Illusion or is it just your perception that is the illusion?

This movie is not about denying our physical experience. Leap! takes you on a journey that offers a powerful way to perceive yourself and the world. To leap beyond the illusion is to let go and live from inspiration—to leap beyond the constraints of your current perceived reality and what you think you know.

Read more on Peter Russell's Blog

See also these amazing count downs and world clocks from Peter Russell




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