You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

20 Jan 2009

An Integral Perspective

When you realize that consciousness and culture are one-not just as a metaphysical statement, but as a literal, manifest, truth-something very profound occurs. When this perspective is internalized, when the split between subject and object, between consciousness and matter is seen through in the deepest way, a fundamentally dualistic perspective that most of us are unconsciously holding disappears.

Suddenly we can no longer see the inner without seeing the outer; and we can no longer see the outer without seeing the inner. We can no longer think of the individual without thinking of the collective. This inherently holistic or integral embrace of life becomes not just a conceptual overlay, but the very way that we see.

When this occurs, when we internalize this perspective, we become a new human being-one who deeply understands the process that we have been a part of since something emerged from nothing fourteen billion years ago, and who is able to see and feel connected to that larger process in every moment.

That's what I call spiritual liberation, soul liberation, in an evolutionary context. It answers our deepest existential questions about who we are and why we are here in the most profound way. And while it doesn't remove our problems, it puts us in a position to be able to roll up our sleeves and really get down to making the world a better place, starting with ourselves.
As far as I'm concerned, that's what we're here to do!

Andrew Cohen - Quote of the Week




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