You are not what happens, but the space in which it happens
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known
- Eckhart Tolle

20 Oct 2007

More on creation and reality

When I attach a value and a meaning to some event, I am creating a perception. In other words, it is my choice how to interpret what happened. I will usually interpret an event by seeing it through whatever issues or beliefs I already have going on inside of me. In other words, how I choose to see something, the perception I have of an event, is not necessarily what is happening, but how I choose to view it. If I have anger, I will likely interpret what someone says as sounding angry. If I clear myself of internal issues, I can choose to and will be able to interpret things from a higher vibrational state. Creating a perception creates how I see reality. I am responsible therefore, for how I create my reality.
Here is an example: as a small child, I see my father being angry. My perception of that event is that I am the reason he is angry - if I were a better child he wouldn't be angry. This perception then becomes a part of my life. I have a perception that I am a bad person, and therefore I always perceive that people are angry at me because I'm not good enough. This keeps me relating to others in fear.
As soon as I give up the role of being responsible for creating my own reality, as soon as I think someone is doing something to me, I have become a victim in my own belief. Others' responses to me are, in reality, only a reflection of my own energy, a reflection of whatever energy I am putting out, or have inside of me. In other words, if I have a perception that someone is a hurtful person, I must have a belief that I will be hurt because I deserve to be hurt. They, then, just play the role for me that I am expecting. I create what I believe.
When I come from the lower vibrational state, I will be viewing things as judgements. I will make judgements about myself or about another. The higher vibration is to see whatever happens as a mirror of myself in the Now: "I see you doing that. I want to judge you for it. Instead, I choose to see that it is a reflection of the energy I hold in myself. I realize that I do that also, or have done that, and have judged myself for it."
I ask myself, "Why am I still doing that? Where do I still hold that judgement (which I want to put out on you) about myself - where do I still think that I am not ok?" I identify the judgement I'm making about myself. I ask: "What part of me do I still not love and accept, and, therefore, judge?" Then I look at the other person and think: "I don't need to judge them. They are simply being a mirror of my own issue." I ask: "What in me created that in my reality?" In truth, all of us are really asking for love, which is what we all truly want and have forgotten that we already are.
Acceptance is the higher vibration of judgement. It is beyond forgiveness, because forgiveness implies that something has been done wrong. Whenever I look at it from being the Creator and not the victim, I see that acceptance says that all is happening perfectly, just as it is because whatever is happening enables us to grow. If I sincerely look at it as perfect just the way it is, I immediately move into the energy of Love, Trust, and Peace. Then there is no longer any judgement. It is at that point that I reclaim my power, and can then use my power to change the event if I choose to do so.
I know that if I feel anger, or any other unpleasant or uncomfortable emotion, I must carry that energy within me. It isn't because of what someone else did. The situation just reflected what was already there inside of me. Now I have the opportunity to see what the mirror is, to see what I carry within myself that I want to change so that I can heal, grow, and love. Therefore, seeing my reflection in another, or in a situation, is a positive and useful thing.
Lower vibration:expectationjudgement/blamerejectionapologizingpitytolerance
Higher vibration:non-attachmentobservationacceptanceseeing perfectionresponding from compassionallowance

There are 3 universal fears:
(1) abandonment(2) not feeling worthy or good enough(3) loss of trust which = fear of surrender
Any time there is a fear, it will fall into one or more of these categories. Each of us is born with one of these three being our core lesson to master in this lifetime. All of our issues, no matter what they are and no matter how they came about, are related to, and can be traced back to, this core fear.
I will continue to create the same kind of situations, I will keep myself in judgement, I will reinforce the lower vibrational state of thinking that it's someone else's fault, and I will keep myself in the perception of being victimized until I resolve my own fear program and learn a new perception, a new way of thinking.
Fear is only a mask of my true desire.
Exercise to find out what my masked desire is and the erroneous belief causing my fear:
First, divide a standard size piece of writing paper into five columns. (Column headings are indicated by underlined items below.) In the first column I list all of my fears that I want to examine. In the second column I write what it is that I desire in relation to a particular fear. For example, in one column I may have written: "I fear that I will get cancer or some other life threatening disease." Then, in the other column, I write down what it is that I really want instead, "I desire perfect health." The masked desire, then, is usually the opposite of the fear.
Label the third column "Erroneous Beliefs." I then ask myself, "What must I believe in order to have created this fear?" I list all the beliefs that support my fear such as, "I believe that I can get sick. I believe that I am not strong enough to keep illness away. I believe that cancer and other life threatening diseases have more power than I do, etc."
The fourth column is where I list my Preferred Beliefs, which are always stated in the "I AM" format, i.e. "I AM healthy, I AM strong and resilient, I AM powerful."
Determining the Ultimate Truth about myself:
Finally, the fifth column is where I state the Truth about myself, my REAL self, my God self. "I AM Health, I AM Strength, I AM Resilience, I AM Power." This is where I claim my Godhood and acknowledge the Truth about me is that I AM everything. Not only am I powerful, I AM POWER itself. I can do this because I understand that this is a holographic universe and within each piece of any hologram is the pattern of the whole.
This exercise will help me to see what my erroneous beliefs are that keep me in fear, that create the difficulty I am in, that make me see my own issues in others and judge them for it, and that keep me from manifesting what I want.

The number one addiction to an erroneous belief, what keeps me in it and seemingly unable to change it, comes from feeling guilt and shame. That's what makes me not want to see these issues as myself. In Reality, there is no shame or guilt. There is only growth and Love. When I face an issue in myself, I have the chance to become even clearer, ever more loving. And that is the perfection of the journey, of what I experience, of seeing myself in the mirror, and learning to love what I see.
The cycle of the judgement loop:

1. I think, or hear, a thought and respond with feeling guilty.
2. I project that guilt onto something or someone else; sometimes including myself, but usually others are my preferred target.
3. I feel guilty about doing that.
4. I respond with fear that I will be punished.
5. I feel shame and hide it away so I won't have to feel it. This is called denial.
6. In order to get away from the shame, or fool myself into believing I am dealing with it in some way, I blame others.
7. I feel guilty about doing that, and the loop goes on.
How to re-program an old belief:

1. Acknowledge: Own the fear or pattern.
2. Ask: "What keeps me believing in that fear? What will happen if I let go of it? What is the payoff for keeping it? (TRUTH: There always is one.) What do I get to do, or not do, if I keep the fear?" (TRUTH: A pattern/belief can never be changed as long as you really believe that changing is more fearful than keeping it.)
3. Decide if this pattern serves you anymore. Decide if you want to keep the program, or change it. If you decide to keep it, observe why, without judgement.
4. If you decide to change it, decide what you want to change it to. Be specific. You must decide on a new belief, a choice for a new perception. If you willingly choose to believe in a new reality, you can eliminate fear.
5. State your intention - what you intend to create instead. Say: "I intend _______." Your intention must include willingness to allow the change in your life.
6. Ask Spirit, your Highest Self, for guidance then release control of the manifestation of the intent to Spirit.
7. Trust.

Fears and erroneous beliefs have supported us, and we tend to want to hold onto them through our anger or other emotional reactions because it's the only way of life we've known. Fears can be survival tools, but will keep us locked in a lower vibration that doesn't help our life in a positive way.

Control Dramas:
These are energy-sucking ways of behaving, out of fear, that are motivated by a masked desire to control in order to avoid feeling fear. They are:
· Being aloof (quiet, non-responsive).
Being an interrogator ("Who did this?! Why did you....?! Didn't you realize that...?!" etc.).
Being an intimidator (one's energy makes others feel afraid - backing people down).
Being someone who creates confusion for others (gets them off center).
Being in victim consciousness ("Feel sorry for me because _______").

If I find myself worried or fearful about what other people think of me, the mirror of that is: I am in judgement of myself, believing that I am not acceptable as I am.
If I am in fear, I am actually holding a belief that I am inadequate to deal with something.
A fear of judgement is actually a desire for unconditional love.
If I am in pain (physical or emotional), I am in resistance to something. One way I can identify that resistance is when I honestly ask myself, "What am I getting by holding onto my pain?"
If I am in pain, I am judging. I can, instead, move to acceptance. I can choose to see everything as perfect. I can ask, "What is the gift of the mirror for me here? What lesson am I wanting to teach myself through this experience?"
Change the perception that there was any damage done in a given situation. If I am the creator, then I created that situation for some reason, some higher purpose. What was the reason? There is no war happening, unless I create one by my perception.
If I am in resistance to something, I am trying to be in control and fearing a loss of power. It is a false belief that I can, or will, lose power, because:
When I identify with God, and know that I AM God, I AM POWER. God can never be disconnected from Power, and neither can I, although I can choose to believe that I can be disconnected.
When I create responding from Peace and living in higher vibrational states, I will then create a reality that will mirror that higher vibrational state.

The role of the ego:
It is the ego which allows us to be in this reality of duality. It is what holds the Illusion in place. The purpose of duality is to offer choice by comparison. It helps us decide what we want to experience in this lifetime in order to learn what we have come forth to learn so that we are able to accomplish our Purpose for being here.
The Higher Truth is larger than, bigger than, either side of duality. It is the point in the middle, the zero point, the neutral point where there is no attachment. It is the point of integration of duality.

Final Suggestions:
I must honour where someone is in their development, what lessons they have set up for themselves to master, even if I would choose to do it differently.
Using these principles will help me to allow others to express themselves, while I remain at peace.


  • non-attachment
  • observation
  • acceptance
  • seeing perfection
  • responding from compassion
  • allowance

  • expectation
  • judgement/blame
  • rejection
  • apologizing
  • pity
  • tolerance
Accept all as Perfection, as it is, then use your power of choice to create the reality you prefer.




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